School of Applied Mathematics -- Excellent fundamental teaching organizations in Henan Province

The School of Applied Mathematics was registered as a qualified fundamental teaching organization in Henan Province in 2019, and was recognized as an excellent fundamental teaching organization in Henan Province in 2020. The team has 20 teachers, including 1 professor, 8 associate professors and 11 teachers with doctoral degrees.

Person in charge: Professor Song Changming

Members: Zhang Jianlin, Li Jina, Gao Ran, Zhao Jingfu, Zhao Jie, Gu Cong, Zhang Zhe, Zhou Ruifang, Xu Changwei, Liu Qi, Feng Na, Ding Jianfei, Li Yannan, Chen Renxia, Shi Cuili, Kuang Yonghui, Li Xiao, Ji Xuehui, Chen Jing