Excellent fundamental teaching organization of colleges and universities in Henan Province -- College Physics Teaching Group

Guided by the core thought and essence of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the important discourse on "Education", the grassroots teaching organization of the College Physics Course Group consciously abide by the Code of Professional Ethics for Teachers of Higher Learning, implement the fundamental task of "Moral Education", and always adhere to cultivating talents for the Party and the country. Since 2019, the grass-roots teaching organization of the College Physics Curriculum Group has standardized the construction of various rules and regulations, strengthened the fit between the university physics course and other science and engineering majors, deepened the reform of education and teaching work, and promoted the construction of talent training. By integrating the ideological and political elements of the course, the teaching content is enriched and the course quality is improved. By integrating into the cultivation of professional foreign language ability, the students' vision is expanded and the teaching effect is improved.

Under the promotion of the excellent grassroots teaching organization of the College Physics Course Group, the college physics course has entered the stage of rapid development. In 2020, the college physics course successfully applied for the course ideological and political model course of Henan Province, won the first prize of Excellent Online Teaching Course of Undergraduate Education in Henan Province, and the special prize of Excellent Online Teaching Course of Undergraduate Education of Zhongyuan University of Technology. In 2021, the course of College Physics was approved as a first-class undergraduate course construction project in Henan Province. In addition, the grassroots teaching organization of College Physics Course Group actively organize team members to study teaching methods and teaching design, strengthen research on education and teaching methods, hence the research project declaration, paper quantity and quality have made great progress. Specifically, 18 related school teaching reform projects are approved, and 20 teaching research papers are published. Next, we will continue to adhere to the original aspiration of education, take the ideological and political education as the guidance, take the students as the center, and strive to give full play to the maximum effectiveness of grassroots teaching organizations in improving the teaching effect and the quality of education.