Senior engineer Dejin Xie, second-level researcher of Development and Planning Department of Henan Big Data Administration, came to our school for an investigation and discussion

On November 4th, Dejin Xie, a senior engineer and second-level researcher of Development and Planning Department of Henan Big Data Administration, visited our College of Science and had a discussion with relevant teachers and graduate students. The seminar was presided over by Professor Changming Song, the dean of the College of Science.

At the symposium, Dejin Xie introduced the purpose and significance of the construction of digital Henan construction from the aspects of digital government, smart city construction. In terms of data sharing, accurate statistics, social governance, administrative decision-making, etc., he introduced the statistical methods, blockchain technology, Internet of Things technology used in the construction of smart cities in detail. He pointed out that in the construction of digital Henan, the relevant research results of mathematics and physics will play an important role in promoting the construction of smart city, especially the precise algorithm will play an extremely important role.

Dejin Xie pointed out in the report Big Data-Driven Digital Government that big data is not only an asset, technology, but also a practice, and it is required to use data to speak, to make decisions, to manage, and to innovate. Data is the essence of digital government, the soul of government governance, and the core of information technology. "Data aggregation integrates big data, and big data generates governance wisdom", implying the vitality of big data lies in application and innovation. Xie elaborated on the development trend and current problems of big data, and had an in-depth exchange with the relevant faculty team of the College of Science on the technology, application and project cooperation of big data.

Through this activity, the teachers had a deeper understanding of the application of mathematics and physics related theories and methods in big data. The graduate students also broadened their horizons and increased their knowledge, and had a deeper understanding of the development prospect of digital Henan construction and big data. This activity is of great significance to the discipline construction, specialty construction and talent training of our college.

Previous: College of Science held the second review meeting for application of National Natural Science Foundation of China (the first session) Next: Liu Chengyan, the Yellow River Scholar of Henan University, and Ding Jun, the Deputy Dean of College of Science of Henan University of Engineering, came to our college to give academic lectures

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