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姓名  贺金满


职称  讲师

所在院系 学院数据计算及应用系

所属学科  数学

研究方向  非线性动力学分数阶动力系统






  1. Jinman He, Tengfei Lei, Limin Jiang. Sliding mode matrix-projective synchronization for fractional-order neural networks. Journal of Mathematics, (2021) Article ID 4562392

  2. Jinman He, Fangqi Chen, Tengfei Lei, Qinsheng Bi. Global adaptive matrix- projective synchronization of delayed fractional order competitive neural network with different time scales. Neural Computing and Applications (2020) 32: 12813–12826

  3. Jinman He, Fangqi Chen, Tengfei Lei. Fractional matrix and inverse matrix projective synchronization methods for synchronizing the disturbed fractional-order hyperchaotic system. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (2018) 41: 6907–6920  

  4. Jinman He, Fangqi Chen, A new fractional order hyperchaotic Rabinovich system and its dynamical behaviors. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics (2017) 95: 73–81  

  5. Jinman He, Fangqi Chen, Qinsheng Bi. Quasi-matrix and quasi-inverse-matrix projective synchronization for delayed and disturbed fractional order neural network. Complexity (2019) Article ID 4823709  

